NextGen Pastor
Vision Day
At Open Door, investing in the next generation is a partnership. The church is committed to walking with parents to see their kids love God and make His gospel known. That’s why we decided it was time to gather the whole team for a one day rally that would set our course for the year ahead. Our Next Generation Vision Day is for parents, kids, and Next Gen volunteers (birth-college)! Join us as we launch into the new ministry year on Saturday, August 10th. At this event, we will have a time of worship, fellowship, lunch, and volunteer training. See the schedule below for details.
There will be training sessions in the morning for those who serve with OD Kids, OD Students, and OD College. The training for AWANA volunteers will be in the afternoon. If you are a volunteer for both, we’d like you to attend both sessions. The lunch and fellowship time is for ALL Next Gen families and volunteers.
Event Details
Recurrence Annually
Date August 10th
Morning Training
9:00 - 11:50 | Volunteer Training (OD Kids, OD Students, OD College)
Next Gen Families & Volunteers
12:00 - 12:45 | Lunch
12:45 - 1:30 | Fellowship & Worship
Afternoon Training
1:40 - 4:00 | AWANA Volunteer Training