What is CareGroup
As Christians, we are called to love and support one another. And at Open Door, this happens especially within the CareGroups. Through CareGroups we strengthen one another to live out our faith and grow in the grace and knowledge of God. We have a variety of groups that meet at a variety of times.
Typically a CareGroup is made up of 5-15 people meeting together in a home to study, pray, and serve one another. Many of our CareGroups are based around sermon discussion. They reflect on the previous Sunday’s sermon and discuss how they can apply that passage of scripture to their lives. And some groups do various other studies as well. The key focal point of our CareGroups is not so much what they are currently studying, but how they enjoy biblical community with one another.
There are two ways you can find a group. You can visit the CareGroup Connection Board in the lobby of the Welcome Center. There you will find a map with numbers and cards that you can take with you. Those cards have contact info for groups that meet near where you live. The other way you can find a group is by filling out the form below on this page. By doing so, someone from the Open Door staff will reach out to you with options that match your preferences. We look forward to helping you get connected soon!