Ladies Bible Study
This is an opportunity for ladies to join a weekly Bible Study to deepen their knowledge of God through His word, memorize scripture, pray, and grow in relationship with one another. Our study this year is Romans. Come and see how God used the ancient paths of the Israelites to reveal His righteousness, His faithfulness, and His Son. Romans reminds us how we are to live as we learn foundational truths about God and Man, the importance of unity amongst believers, and that adoption into the family of God comes with eternal promises. Romans points us to an enduring hope that allows us to walk with courage and boldness; while trusting God with all things; knowing that He is truly all we need in this life. The study will meet at Open Door each Friday from 9:15-11:30 am. The cost is $25 per individual and $20 per child per semester. Feel free to pay for both semesters when you register. Hope to see you there!